Trees, Shrubs and Hedging plants

We have a wide range of trees, shrubs, climbers and hedging plants for every situation in the garden.

Trees, Shrubs and Climbers

We grow and sell a wide range of trees, climbers and shrubs, including flowering trees, shrubs and climbers, trees for small gardens, evergreen shrubs and climbers, screening trees, shrubs and climbers and some more unusual types too.

    Below is a button which you can click on to see our Plant Catalogue. The list is always growing and changing, so if you are looking for something specific, please contact us to find out whether it is in stock.

    Hedging Plants

    We have a wide range of hedging plants, both pot grown and bare root.

    Bare root is the most cost-effective way to buy hedging. The plants are field grown, lifted in winter when they are dormant and stored in loose compost. When you purchase them they are supplied without soil around the roots. The bare root hedging season is from late November to March.

    Our bare-root range includes beech (Fagus), hawthorn (Crataegus), blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), hornbeam (Carpinus), spindle (Euonymus europeus), dog rose (Rosa canina), field maple (Acer campestre), dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), guelder rose (Viburnum opulus), wayfaring tree (Viburnum lantana) and hazel (Corylus avellana).

    We are often able to order in large quantities of plants for you, if we haven’t got them in stock. Just get in touch.

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    To buy shrubs and hedging plants, call us now on